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Power #2 of 4

Marianne Storey • Jan 04, 2024

Power Maturity & the Components of Harm and Power

#2 Components of Harm and Power

Power, per se, does not necessarily cause harm. And yet, it often does.

So, what makes the Powerful harmful?

I believe there are two components to consider:

1.      The Emotional Intelligence or Maturity of the person(s) holding the Power – “Power Maturity”; and

2.     The level of vulnerability of the Powerless person(s) impacted by the Power

In short, the less Power Maturity the Powerful person(s) has/have, vs the more vulnerably powerless the Powerless person(s) is/are, - the more harm is caused.

1.      Power Maturity

I believe that Power Maturity comes from

  • a willingness and ability to develop insight into the power dynamic, the harm being caused (if any) and the person(s) roles (and responsibility) within it,
  • emotional intelligence,
  • access to data/information that defines the impact of the imbalance, and
  • an understanding of the benefits to themselves or wider society of addressing the situation.

Power immaturity, conversely, can be defined by:

  • a refusal, denial, or inability, to develop insight into the power dynamic or accept that the Powerful person(s) have a role or responsibility to reduce or end the harm caused by it
  • emotional immaturity
  • absence of data or information that can show the impact of the harm or imbalance
  • a lack of willingness, or absence of ability to understand the benefits to themselves or wider society of reducing/removing the harm.

2.     Degrees of vulnerability of Powerlessness

I believe that the more powerless a thing, or person(s) is, the greater the potential for harm when at the mercy of the Powerful. A small animal, for example, has a greater potential for experiencing harm from an adult human, than another adult human.

The importance of this point, is that, if vulnerability can be reduced, there is hope that a re-balance of power is not necessarily ONLY in the hands of the powerful. And that is important.


In attempting to consider how a power imbalance can be redressed, it is important to understand the components in play: Power Maturity Vs Vulnerability of Powerlessness.

But can we do anything about it? The answer is YES. The further Blogs in this series describe how we CAN.

Read on.

#1 of 3 Why do so many women hate using the word Power to describe themselves?

#3 of 3 How can we re-balance the imbalance of harmful Power?

I work with women to help them regain their power. Individually and in Society.

If you would like to regain yours, email me at

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