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Power #3 of 4

Marianne Storey • 4 January 2024

Can We Re-Balance the Imbalance of Power that Causes Harm?

Can we re-balance the imbalance of Power that causes harm? And if so How?

If a power imbalance that causes harm, is to be re-balanced, there needs to be a shift in one or both of the two components of the imbalance:

  1. The powerless would need to become less vulnerable and gain power
  2. The powerful would need to relinquish or lose power

But importantly - the goal is not necessary to achieve a BALANCE. The best outcome for both parties may be to actually REVERSE the balance so it is still imbalanced but in the opposite direction.

This diagram shows how and why using the example of humans and animals.

1.   The Powerless Gain Power and Become Less Vulnerable to Harm

In order for the powerless to become less vulnerable to harm, (in the absence of the willing and conscious relinquishing of power from the Powerful), they need to gain resources from somewhere. By definition, the most powerless and vulnerable things - imagine a small animal facing an adult human - cannot simply generate power without some external force or assistance.

  • Allies: Allies can empower, assist, educate, advocate.

  • Each Other: The power of the group is greater than the sum of its parts.

  • Benefactors / Donors / Enablers / ‘Saviours’: Resources provided by others to and for the powerless to power up themselves.

  • Beneficial societal shifts of opinion or change in ‘norms’ or events: Unexpected changes in circumstances can shift the balance in favour of the powerless.

  • Leadership / Role Modelling / Success Elsewhere: A vision for empowerment has to come from somewhere.

2. The Powerful Relinquish or Lose Power

People with Power Immaturity are either Conscious of Unconscious of their immaturity.

The consciously immature fall in to two groups. One being those who dislike the harm they create and have some insight into their inability to change, but do, at least, understand the need for them to do so. And the other who value the benefit of the power they hold and the harm they cause and have no desire or incentive to change. The harm, in itself, fuels the Power. This group are, of course, the most problematic.

The unconsciously immature, however,  are also a hard group to consider. In lacking insight into their own immaturity, they cannot see the harm they cause, they cannot acknowledge their role in it and they can only understand the benefit to themselves of the Power they hold. Until they become conscious of their power immaturity and choose to ignore it, there is still hope that they can be influenced to change.

Much like the Powerless, people with Power Immaturity are unlikely to, or cannot, by definition, self-generate the change or insight needed for them to change.  And similarly, require intervention or resources from 'others' if there is any hope for them to relinquish or reduce their power and subsequent harm.

  • Education: Change can only happen if you know what is happening, what needs to change, and what is possible.

  • Role Models: Seeing others do it differently opens up possibility.

  • Force: Others can come to the defence of the vulnerable by taking out the Powerful (different to empowering the powerless).

  • Negotiation: Relinquishing power in exchange for something else of value.

People with Power Maturity also fall into the same two groups depending on whether they are conscious or unconscious of their maturity. Either way, their maturity enables them to use information and insight to relinquish power to end the harm they are causing, re-balance the imbalance and reap the benefits of doing so whether by conscious decision or otherwise.


Understanding how to re-balance a power imbalance that causes harm requires us to understand the components at play. To understand how the vulnerable or powerless can gain more power or how those with conscious or unconscious Power Immaturity can learn, change, and relinquish or lose power.

The goal may not be BALANCE but to actually reverse the imbalance to achieve overall benefit for all involved.

But what does all this mean for WOMEN?

Read my final Blog in this series about how we, individually, and as a society, can start to redress the imbalance of harmful gender power that has been part of our culture for such a long time. By understanding the components of harmful power and vulnerability, and the interventions that can address both, we can start to build the resources and infrastructure required to benefit everyone.

#1 of 3 Why do so many women hate using the word Power to describe themselves?

#2 of 3 Components of Power, Vulnerability and Harm

#4 Women and Power

I work with women to help them regain their power. Individually and in Society.

If you would like to regain yours, email me at

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